On July 15th, 1843 Colonel John Smith donated a small frame house and 7-1/2 acres to Centre Twp. School District 1. Smith designated that the land was to be used not only for school purposes but also for religious meetings of all denominations. Legend has it an Indian trail passed behind the property and traveling Indians never attacked the property due to it’s dedication to education and worship. A one room school house was erected and the site became known as Palmer’s Prairie. Baptist, Methodist, United Brethren, Catholic and others have preached the gospel from this school house. Rev. Father Sorin (who founded the University of Notre Dame) is known to have stood in this frame schoolhouse and preached the Word of God to an attentive audience. The current school building was built in 1927 as Centre Township Grade School with an addition of the kitchen and several classrooms added in 1933. The school closed in 1970. South Side Church of God purchased it in 1972 and started worshiping in the gymnasium in 1973. In 1979 work began to add the sanctuary to the front of the structure and Worship was moved to the new sanctuary on April 27, 1980.